‘To envision working towards an exhibition that was supposed to be a vast celebration of art, respect and togetherness feels inconceivable whilst heinous crimes are still being committed in Ukraine’

The organisers of the Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art have announced the postponement of the exhibition’s third edition – originally scheduled to open on 15 July 2022 – to 2023. RIBOCA3 is titled Exercises in Respect and curated by René Block.
The organisers’ statement explained that the decision was made ‘in response to the war in the region […] In times like these, to envision working towards an exhibition that was supposed to be a vast celebration of art, respect and togetherness feels inconceivable whilst heinous crimes are still being committed in Ukraine. We strongly condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine and are united with everyone who calls for an immediate end of the war.’
‘There must be discourse on how the artworld and biennials can influence and engage societies during periods of war and conflict. What kind of platform for expression and exchange do artists, curators, and our society need?’