The shortlist of artists nominated for the 2020 Prix Marcel Duchamp, an award for artists from or based in France, has been announced. They are: Alice Anderson, Hicham Berrada, Kapwani Kiwanga and Enrique RamÃrez. The winner will be announced on 19 October 2020, and an exhibition of work by all four nominees will be on view at the Centre Pompidou from 6 October 2019 to 4 January 2020.
Organised by the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art (ADIAF) in collaboration with the Centre Pompidou, the annual award comes with a €35,000 cash prize and is considered one of the most prestigious prizes in the country. Winners of previous editions include Kader Attia, Cyprien Gaillard, Clément Cogitore and Éric Baudelaire.
20 December 2019