Awarded by open call, Write Now will be hosted at Hauser & Wirth Somerset

Hauser & Wirth, in partnership with ArtReview, are delighted to launch Write Now, the new writer’s residency at Hauser & Wirth Somerset. It will complement an ongoing programme of artist residencies that have been running at the gallery since 2013. The residency will take place from 29 April to 13 May 2024, and offers a unique opportunity to engage with the work and process of resident artists, and to engage with the natural environment and the local community that surrounds Hauser & Wirth Somerset and Durslade Farm.
The programme offers an opportunity to engage with both culture and nature, and with human and non-human environments. Successful applicants will consider these factors when submitting their proposals.
As well as access to resident artists, the writer in residence will be mentored by ArtReview’s editorial team. The mentorship will take the form of two in-person sessions during the course of the residency dedicated to shaping the course of research and the outcome of the project. The writer will also benefit from mentorship provided by Hauser & Wirth, with guidance and support from the gallery’s team.
The residency includes on-site accommodation, a per diem allowance and a travel allowance.
Writers will be expected to host at least one public presentation or workshop in Somerset on their project and their approach to writing as a creative practice more generally. The event may take the form of a creative session, or a public discussion but will need to be accessible to a general audience of all ages.
At the end of the residency, residents will be expected to produce a written text of up to 1200 words. The text will be published on but may be delivered in the form of a spoken-word podcast, a video narrative, or a lecture–performance subject to the agreement of the organisers.
Published and unpublished writers between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five as of 29 April 2024, and resident in the UK.
Applicants do not necessarily need to be art critics and any type of creative or culturally focused writing will be considered.
Application requirements:
Applicants should send a covering letter explaining why they are interested in the residency and what they hope to do on it, plus a CV and two samples of writing, each of which should not be exceed 1,000 words in length.
Applicants should note that the dates of the residency are not flexible, and applying to the programme will be taken as an acceptance of those conditions.
Applications should be sent to, with the subject line ‘Somerset’, by 29 February.
About Hauser & Wirth Residencies:
Since 2013, Hauser & Wirth Somerset has supported an immersive artist-in-residence programme, facilitating 44 residencies in total, including 31 individual artists alongside a breadth of learning initiatives and return visits. Residencies are the outcome of Iwan & Manuela Wirth and Marc Payot’s unique approach to fostering new opportunities for artists, both emerging and established, in addition to the gallery’s broader creative community. The location specific residency has no prescribed outcome but instead provides artists, curators and students with time and space for reflection, research and production. This extended period of time allows for a deeper connection with the local community, surrounding landscape and unique history of the area. All participants are encouraged to contribute to a continuous creative hub, characterised by our learning activities, including collaborative community events and workshops that allow for broader access to their work and wider practice.
Find out more about Hauser & Wirth’s residency programme