Alessio Antoniolli, who has directed the London non-profit gallery, residency and studio programme Gasworks for twenty-five years, is to leave.
He is to concentrate full time on The Triangle Network which he currently leads, a network of over 90 artist-run spaces across 41 countries, including Britto in Bangladesh, Capacete in Brazil, Thapong in Botswana and Rybon in Iran. Gasworks has long been a member. The Italy-born curator will also continue his separate role with Fondazione Memmo, a private institution in Rome founded by collector Roberto Memmo.
Located in south London, Gasworks has nine studios rented to London based artists and four are reserved for an international residencies for non-UK based artists, a programme which ArtReview described in 2020 as ‘something of a rite of passage for artists from the global south on the up’. The organisation estimates it has hosted over 200 of the latter from more than 50 countries worldwide since 1994.
Antoniolli said in a statement: ‘Through blood sweat and tears, but also through dialogue, support and laughter we have achieved the unimaginable for Gasworks. With its own building, a house for our visiting artists, an amazing team and very engaged audiences, the organisation has never been more solid. I am excited for Gasworks’ next chapter and will always be its biggest advocate.’