Age of Vice: ‘More Netflix Pitch than Devastating Social Study’Mark RappoltArtReview21 July 2023Deepti Kapoor’s novel picks at the inequalities of Indian society but ultimately strays towards the conventions of TV dramas
Doug Aitken’s ‘Howl’ Captures the Seductive Horror of Oil ExtractionMark RappoltArtReview17 July 2023The destructive human impacts of black gold are laid bare by the artist in a ‘disconcertingly elegant’ new film and exhibition
Bani Abidi’s Kinetic Sounds of DisplacementMark RappoltArtReview Asia13 July 2023A soundtrack of makeshift domestic instruments mixed with folksongs from back home present a haunting portrait of forced migration in ‘The Song’
Rirkrit Tiravanija’s Artifice of the RealMark RappoltArtReview Asia04 July 2023Film and theatre sets expand beyond the stage in an exhibition that uses repetition to blur the line between performance and participation
Dodging Clichés Amidst Modern Myths of the GulfMark RappoltArtReview Asia30 June 2023‘Evaporating Suns’ attempts to refresh an outdated Western perspective of Arab mythology that situates it solely in the past
The Rules of the Game Called Contemporary ArtMark RappoltArtReview27 June 2023A new book asks who contemporary art is really for in a tangled attempt to elucidate an often-opaque industry
Byung-Chul Han on Absence as a Positive ForceMark RappoltArtReview Asia14 June 2023The philosopher's new book reframes the world through the subtle power of absence within Eastern thought