Jewyo Rhii: Art in StorageMark RappoltArtReview Asia10 January 2024‘Of Hundred Carts and On’ at Barakat Contemporary, Seoul asks what happens to the work after the exhibition
‘Midnight’s Third Child’ by Naeem Mohaiemen Review: Trying HarderMark RappoltArtReview Asia28 November 2023An attempt to establish a specific art history of Bangladesh, and to define the role of the artist in that nebulous space
Ramesh Mario Nithiyendran: Action and DramaMark RappoltArtReview02 November 2023The Sydney-based artist is driving towards an idea of sculpture as an animate form, something that embraces change and ephemerality
With a Dagger Rather than a TheoryMark RappoltArtReview Asia12 October 2023A graphic novel on the Haitian revolutionary Toussaint Louverture gives a new view of a welcome addition to a wider reconsideration of colonial and postcolonial histories
‘The Future Future’ by Adam Thirlwell Review: Studded With AnachronismsMark RappoltArtReview02 October 2023The author’s latest novel makes what’s ‘real’ seem like a stage set and what’s invented seem real
Can an Art Collection Be Truly Reflective of the World?Mark RappoltArtReview28 September 2023‘Before Tomorrow’ at Astrup Fearnley Museet in Oslo attempts a new acknowledgement of multiple art histories and diverse canons
Sancintya Mohini Simpson: Branches We Hold OntoMark RappoltArtReview Asia17 August 2023How indentured labourers and their descendants might navigate the long and winding road back ‘home’