Misère: The Visual Representation of Misery in the 19th CenturyMark RappoltArtReview04 May 2018by Linda Nochlin, Thames & Hudson, £24.95 (hardcover)
Marginal Man, by Charu NiveditaMark RappoltArtReview Asia25 April 2018An autoficition by the Tamil novelist and ArtReview Asia columnist
Dhaka Art Summit 2018Mark RappoltArtReview Asia12 April 2018Mark Rappolt finds that history comes to the fore at this year’s summit
Eva Kot'átkováMark RappoltArtReview10 April 2018The Czech artist’s new body of work is on show at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, Milan, through 22 July – here’s a feature from ArtReview’s archives
Pick of the week: A beast, a god, a line at Para Site, Hong KongMark Rappoltartreview.com16 March 201816 March 2018
The New PovertyMark RappoltArtReview12 February 2018Mark Rappolt finds a searing indictment of contemporary British society