Angela Flowers, gallerist who promoted British Modernism, 1932–2023ArtReviewartreview.com14 August 2023The gallery opened in 1970
Andrew da Conceicao, co-founder of Stevenson Gallery, 1969–2023ArtReviewartreview.com31 July 2023Alongside Michael Stevenson and Kathy Grundlingh, da Conceicao opened the gallery in Cape Town in 2003
Julian Assange, who ‘aims to change the world’, awarded Konrad Wolf prizeArtReviewartreview.com11 July 2023Award given by Akademie der Künste
Cho Yong-Ik, painter of meditative abstraction, 1934 – 2023ArtReviewartreview.com11 July 2023The painter was associated with the Dansaekhwa style
Artist’s home, a Ukrainian national monument, ‘destroyed’ in dam floodsArtReviewartreview.com08 June 2023Polina Rayko was self-taught
Met will appoint investigators to prove provenance of its collectionArtReviewartreview.com10 May 2023Team will assess 1.5 million objects
Blanton Museum of Art names inaugural curator of Latino artArtReviewartreview.com12 April 2023Claudia Zapata will commence their role in July