ArtReview September 2021 Issue Out NowArtReviewartreview.com27 August 2021Featuring Dineo Seshee Bopape, Glenn Ligon, Sue Tompkins, Liu Ye and Gian Maria Tosatti
New Museum appoints Vivian Crockett as curatorArtReviewartreview.com26 August 2021Crockett currently works at the Dallas Museum of Art
Open letter calls on US government to recognise Afghan arts workers as at-risk individualsArtReviewartreview.com26 August 2021‘If a new vision of Afghanistan’s future is ever to emerge, the country’s dreamers must survive’
Jean-Luc Nancy, philosopher whose thinking spanned politics to On Kawara and Caravaggio, 1940–2021ArtReviewartreview.com24 August 2021Best known for his work on the nature of community
Austrian artist run over during ‘reclining performance’ on the roadArtReviewartreview.com23 August 2021Motorist charged by police after 41-year-old woman injured in Residenzplatz, Salzburg
Two-note solution for furore over Forensic Architecture’s Palestinian solidarity statement at the WhitworthArtReviewartreview.com23 August 2021A text by a pro-Israel Jewish group is now featured at the entrance to the exhibition
Aichi Triennale looks to On Kawara for titleArtReviewartreview.com23 August 2021Curator Kataoka Mami reveals initial artist list for the Japanese exhibition