Ndayé Kouagou, Court JesterAlexander LeissleArtReview15 May 2023‘Direction, Direction?’ at Sundy, London revels in the unreality of online living, self-fashioning and limitless content consumption
Sue Williamson’s Funereal VitalityAlexander LeissleArtReview28 March 2023A new show at The Box, Plymouth presents a careful overview of a career dedicated to memory and colonial injustice
ESG: The Little-Known Band That Defined an EraAlexander LeissleArtReview13 March 2023‘Come Away with ESG’ by Cheri Percy commits scholarly study to an album sculpted by its time – and which shaped so many that followed
TARWUK Recover Art History in the Wake of WarAlexander LeissleArtReview13 February 2023‘Posadila sam kost u zimskom vrtu’ at White Cube Mason’s Yard, London sees an artist duo combat past trauma, prevailing uncertainty and tentative utopianism
Ayo Akingbade’s Competing WorldsAlexander LeissleArtReview12 December 2022Two new films at Chisenhale Gallery capture a double-sided view of Nigeria, finding something mutable between industrial and internal experiences
Panorama Monopoli: the Politics of HospitalityAlexander Leissleartreview.com06 September 2022The four-day festival, curated by Vincenzo de Bellis, was inspired by the ancient Greek concept of xenia
Can We Imagine an Artworld Built on Care?Alexander LeissleArtReview22 August 2022Karen Archey’s ‘After Institutions’ looks to reposition and expand institutional critique for a radically changing world