The Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than the Real Thing, organised by Chrissie Iles, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Curator and Meg Onli, curator at large at the Whitney, with Min Sun Jeon and Beatriz Cifuentes, has announced the list of 71 artists and collective who will participate in this year’s edition of the biennial, which opens 20 March.
The biennial’s theme focuses on the ideas of ‘the real’. ‘Society is at an inflection point around this notion,’ write the curators, ‘in part brought on by artificial intelligence challenging what we consider to be real, as well as critical discussions about identity.’ Many of the artists presenting work in the show (including as part of performance and film programmes, organised by Iles and Onli, with guest curator Taja Cheek for the performance programme and by the two curators with guest curators Korakrit Arunanondchai, asinnajaq, Greg de Cuir Jr and Zackary Drucker for the film programme) ‘explore the fluidity of identity and form, historical and current land stewardship, and concepts of embodiment’.
The full list of artists is:
Siku Allooloo (she/her)
Born 1986 in Yellowknife, Canada
Lives in Bowser, Canada
Holland Andrews (they/them)
Born 1988 in Orange, CA
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio (he/him)
Born 1990 in Los Angeles, CA
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
Dora Budor
Born 1984 in Zagreb, Croatia
Lives in New York, NY
Seba Calfuqueo (she/her/they/them)
Born 1991 in Santiago, Chile
Lives in Ngulumapu, Wallmapu (Chile)
Debit (she/her)
Born 1986 in Monterrey, Mexico
Lives in New York, NY
Demian DinéYazhi’ (they/them)
Born 1983 in Gallup, NM (Diné Bikéyah [Navajo Nation])
Lives in Portland, OR, and elsewhere
Torkwase Dyson (she/her)
Born 1973 in Chicago, IL
Lives in Beacon, NY
JJJJJerome Ellis (any/all)
Born 1989 in Groton, CT
Lives in Norfolk, VA
Jes Fan (he/him/they/them)
Born 1990 in Scarborough, Canada
Lives in Brooklyn, NY, and Hong Kong
Nikita Gale
Born 1983 in Anchorage, AK, Dënéndeh and Dena’ina Ełnena
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
ektor garcia
Born 1985 in Red Bluff, CA
Lives in Mexico City, Mexico, and elsewhere
Pippa Garner (she/her)
Born 1942 in Evanston, IL
Lives in Long Beach, CA
Harmony Hammond (she/her)
Born 1944 in Chicago, IL
Lives in Galisteo, NM
Christopher Harris (he/him)
Born 1962 in St. Louis, MO
Lives in Coralville, IA
Sharon Hayes (she/her)
Born 1970 in Baltimore, MD
Lives in Philadelphia, PA
Miranda Haymon
Born 1993 in Boston, MA
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
Sarah Hennies (she/her)
Born 1979 in Louisville, KY
Lives in Red Hook, NY
Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst
Herndon (she/her): born 1980 in Johnson City, TN
Dryhurst (he/him): born 1984 in Birmingham, UK
Live in Berlin, Germany
Ho Tzu Nyen (he/him)
Born 1976 in Singapore
Lives in Singapore
Yasmine Anlan Huang (she/her)
Born 1996 in Guangzhou, China
Lives in London, UK, and New York, NY
Madeleine Hunt-Ehrlich (she/her)
Born 1987 in New York, NY
Lives in New York, NY
Suzanne Jackson (she/her)
Born 1944 in St. Louis, MO
Lives in Savannah, GA
Isaac Julien
Born 1960 in London, UK
Lives in London, UK, and Santa Cruz, CA
Lotus L. Kang (she/her)
Born 1985 in Toronto, Canada
Lives in New York, NY
Aron Kantor (he/him/they/them)
Born 1978 in San Francisco, CA
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
Mary Kelly (she/her)
Born 1941 in Fort Dodge, IA
Lives in New York, NY
Kite (she/her)
Born 1990 in Sylmar, CA
Lives in Ancram, NY
Gbenga Komolafe and Tee Park
Komolafe (they/them/he/him/she/her): born 2000 in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria
Park (she/her): born 1999 in Seoul, South Korea
Live in Los Angeles, CA
Jenni Laiti (she/her)
Born 1981 in Anár, Sápmi (Inari, Finland)
Lives in Jåhkåmåhkke, Sápmi (Jokkmokk, Sweden)
Carolyn Lazard (they/them)
Born 1987 in San Bernardino, CA
Lives in New York, NY
Dionne Lee
Born 1988 in New York, NY
Lives in Columbus, OH
Ligia Lewis (she/her)
Born 1983 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Lives in Berlin, Germany
Shuang Li (she/her)
Born 1990 in Wuyi Mountains, China
Lives in Berlin, Germany, and Geneva, Switzerland
Simon Liu (he/him)
Born 1987 in Hong Kong
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
Mary Lovelace O’Neal (she/her)
Born 1942 in Jackson, MS
Lives in Oakland, CA, and Merida, Mexico
Cannupa Hanska Luger (he/him)
Born 1979 in Fort Yates, ND (Standing Rock Reservation)
Lives in Glorieta, NM
Nyala Moon (she/her)
Born 1992 in New York, NY
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
K.R.M. Mooney (he/him)
Born 1990 in Seattle, WA
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
Dala Nasser
Born 1990 in Tyre, Lebanon
Lives in Beirut, Lebanon, and London, UK
Diane Severin Nguyen (she/her)
Born 1990 in Carson, CA
Lives in New York, NY
Niillasaš-Jovnna Máreha Juhani Sunná Máret–Sunna Nousuniemi (they/them)
Born 1993 in Anár, Sápmi
Lives in Anár, Sápmi
Karyn Olivier (she/her)
Born 1968 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Lives in Philadelphia, PA
B. Ingrid Olson
Born 1987 in Denver, CO
Lives in Chicago, IL
Eamon Ore-Giron (he/him)
Born 1973 in Tucson, AZ
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
Edward Owens (he/him)
Born 1949 in Chicago, IL
Died 2010 in Chicago, IL
Sydney Frances Pascal (she/her)
Born 1993 in Nanaimo, Canada
Lives in Vancouver, Canada
People Who Stutter Create
Founded 2023
Jia Bin, Delicia Daniels, JJJJJerome Ellis, Conor Foran, Kristel Kubart
Julia Phillips (she/her)
Born 1985 in Hamburg, Germany
Lives in Chicago, IL
Mavis Pusey (she/her)
Born 1928 in Retreat, Jamaica
Died 2019 in Falmouth, VA
Raqs Media Collective
Founded 1992 in Delhi, India
Jeebesh Bachi, Monica Narula, Shuddhabrata Sengupta
Riar Rizaldi (he/him)
Born 1990 in Bandung, Indonesia
Lives in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Maja Ruznic (she/her)
Born 1983 in Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Yugoslavia)
Lives in Placitas, NM
Ser Serpas (she/her)
Born 1995 in East Los Angeles, CA
Lives in New York, NY
Rose B. Simpson (she/her)
Born 1990 in Santa Fe, NM
Lives in Santa Clara Pueblo, NM
Penelope Spheeris (she/her)
Born 1945 in New Orleans, LA
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
P. Staff (they/them)
Born 1987 in the UK
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
Lada Suomenrinne (they/them)
Born 1995 in Murmansk, Russia
Lives in Espoo, Finland, and Njuorggán, Sápmi
Alex Tatarsky (they/them)
Born 1989 in New York, NY
Lives in New York, NY, and Philadelphia, PA
Alisi Telengut (she/her)
Born 1989 in Inner Mongolia (Telengut and Mongolian nations)
Lives in Berlin, Germany, and Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, Canada
Clarissa Tossin (she/her)
Born 1973 in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
Tourmaline (she/her)
Born 1983 in Boston, MA
Lives in New York, NY
Chanelle Tyson (they/them)
Born 1989 in Greensboro, NC
Lives in Los Angeles, CA
Zulaa Urchuud (she/her)
Born 1991 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Lives in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Charisse Pearlina Weston (she/her)
Born 1988 in Houston, TX
Lives in New York, NY
Kiyan Williams (they/them)
Born 1991 in Newark, NJ
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
Carmen Winant (she/her)
Born 1983 in San Francisco, CA
Lives in Columbus, OH
Takako Yamaguchi (she/her)
Born 1952 in Okayama, Japan
Lives in Santa Monica, CA
Constantina Zavitsanos (any/all)
Born 1977 in Reading, PA
Lives in New York, NY